
10:15AM Worship


1512 Louise St.
Rosenberg, TX 77471-4523




No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

God loves everything he created - and that includes you! Whether you are new to this love from God, or it's been a part of the fabric of your life for years, there's a place and a people for you here at Trinity.

We gather every Sunday morning to hear from God in his Word to us, to worship and praise him, to pray for each other and our community, and to grow in friendship with each other. You might think of it as the weekly family meal at Papa's house where everyone pauses from their weekly activities to be filled at our Father's table together.

Flowing from the table of God's presence and grace, we follow Jesus into our neighborhood (we're just getting started on this) and the varied places of our lives (our own families, workplaces, schools, ballfields, and businesses) with compassion and care from God's heart. In addition, we love to get together every now and then for lunch or to throw a party.

Our website is an introduction to the spirit of what God is doing here at Trinity. Grab a cup of coffee and poke around. We're glad you're here! When you are ready, come visit us...we'd love to meet you in person!